User Data Retrieval: Automatically gather active user data from Google Admin, eliminating the need for manual data collection. This automation ensures accuracy and saves time, allowing teams to focus on more critical tasks rather than routine data gathering.
ASP Listing: Generate a list of Application-Specific Passwords issued by users, streamlining the identification and management of ASPs. If done manually, this task can be time-consuming and prone to errors, whereas automation ensures comprehensive and up-to-date listings.
Notification Process: Send automated notifications via Slack to alert teams about ASP reviews. This replaces manual communication efforts, ensuring timely and consistent updates, enhancing team responsiveness, and reducing oversight risks.
Google Admin: In this use case, Google Admin is utilized to retrieve active user data and manage Application-Specific Passwords (ASPs). It serves as the primary source for user information, enabling automated data collection and ASP management, which reduces manual administrative tasks and enhances data accuracy.
Slack: Slack sends automated notifications to teams regarding ASP reviews. It acts as the communication channel, ensuring that updates are delivered promptly and consistently. This integration facilitates timely alerts and enhances team collaboration by replacing manual notification processes.